Welcome love,
in these 10 days we will take you on an online journey to improve your sleep. Every day consists of 2 parts: Lecture & practice.
Kicking off your day with a short lecture on sleep from a holistic perspective. Providing you with tools and insights on daily regimen, practices, tips on how to improve your sleep and much more!
Unwinding with a powerful practice at the end of the day either through guided meditation, slow evening yoga class, yin yoga, yoga nidra session, pranayama or a body scan.
The course is designed to be taken 10 days in a row, but you are of-course free to adjust this to your own schedule. The kick off lectures wil take about 5-10 minutes. The unwinding practices will be about 10-25 minutes per day.
One thing we like to point out is that, very often sleep issues have in some way or the other, to do with stress. We advice you to not make this course an other thing on your already very long to do list.
Make some space in your schedule and let theses 30 minutes of the next 10 days be healing & relaxing.